Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Horror portraits

Horror portraits

We were set a task with Lance which also related to Steve as we'll be using photography equipment.

For Lance we had to research scary posters and identify what makes a horror poster scary?

What makes the font scary? and then design our own.

A professional make up artist called Kate came into college to show us how we could turn each other into Zombies.

I opted out of having make up on my face. Kate brought different colored face paint. Kate showed us a method how to make blood.

We used thick chocolate sauce and red food coloring.

Later on, while we were all ready and set to go, we went down to the photography lab to take some shots of our 'Zombie' classmates posing for our Horror posters for Lance.

I think this went well, it was certainly a fun and entertaining lesson.

Canon 5d camera and Green screen light that lights up our face so it reflects green.
These are some of the photo' i took with my partner Pete.

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